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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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Library Events

Buena Vista Library Public Calendar of Events

Wiggles and Giggles

Enjoy unstructured free play and socialization for little ones and caregivers. Ages 0- 5.


Further a child's love of learning with shared story time followed by free-play, art activities, and music.

Seed Swap

Swap locally adapted seeds with your neighbors and learn how to check seed viability.

Tunes for Tots 0-3 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Tunes for Tots 3-5 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Align and Flow Yoga

Find strength, stillness, and peace in this all-level yoga class. Bring a yoga mat if you have one.

Lotion Bars

Combat dry winter skin with moisturizing lotion bars. Registration required. Limit 12.

Buena Books!

Practice Spanish and English with bilingual stories, crafts, and games. Ages 5-12.

Virtual Author Talk: TJ Klune

The Magic of Found Family: In Conversation with Author TJ Klune Registration required. Come have a magical moment with New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune as he chats about his Cerulean Chronicles, […]

Wiggles and Giggles

Enjoy unstructured free play and socialization for little ones and caregivers. Ages 0- 5.

Winter Vegetables in Watercolor

Practice easy watercolor and observation skills: learn to use complementary colors and how to stay loose with water as a medium. Registration required. Limit 12.

Kids Watercolor Class

Learn watercolor techniques and create a watercolor creature. Parents must remain in the classroom for children 7 years and under or wait in the library for children 7-10 years. Registration […]