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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

My Library Account


Arts & Crafts

Chaffee Arts: supports local artists, promote their art, and learn from one another.  We strive to create a visual arts community in Chaffee County through education, shows, and arts collaborations thus adding to the artistic and economic vitality of our region.

Udemy: Search for professional courses on art topics or software for free with your library card account.

Kanopy: View Great Courses series or other documentaries on art and art technique.

Book Club Resources

Colorado State Library Book Club Kits: Reserve a set of books from the State Library through BVPL.  Search the catalog and call us at 719-395-8700 to request a kit, or email with your request and contact information.  We will call you when it arrives.

Virtual Author Talks: Buena Vista Public Library participates in the Library Speakers Consortium, which hosts two to three interviews with bestselling authors each month.  Register yourself or your book club as a special event.

Book Club Kits from Partner Libraries: Order a book club kit using our online catalog. Use your library account and be notified at the email listed on your library card account upon its arrival.

Booklist Reader:   Monthly magazine from Booklist, filled with hundreds of reading suggestions.

Business and Career

Udemy: Over 20,000 self-paced courses on topics ranging from technology, software development, marketing, and project management.

Gale Entrepreneurship: Database with thousands of magazines and academic articles for business professionals.

Gale Business: Another database with thousands of magazines and academic articles for business professionals.

Gale Business Insights Global: International database for market information.


DMV Practice Test & Handbooks

Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle Website

Health & Wellness

Gale Health & Wellness: Research any medical condition.

Gale Nursing & Allied Health: Thousands of articles on medical topics and conditions.

Gale Health and Medicine Research Database: Peer-reviewed articles and studys.

Connect for Health: Colorado’s Official Health Insurance Marketplace


Buena Vista Heritage: Nonprofit organization that exists to preserve and share the history of Buena Vista and Chaffee County for the education and enjoyment of the public.

Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection: Includes more than 1.9 million digitized pages, representing more than 475 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 up to 2019

Local History Books: See a list of local history books available to Buena Vista cardholders.


Colorado State Statutes: Online access to Colorado code.

Colorado Legal Forms: A broad selection of litigation forms, including juvenile, estate and dissolution of marriage litigation forms. These forms are approved by the Colorado Supreme Court.

Colorado Real Estate Forms: Free real estate forms, excluding leases.

Colorado Lease Forms: Free lease forms.

Business Forms: Business forms can be found at

Power of Attorney Forms

Gale LegalTrac: Online law research database.

Colorado Legal Services: Legal help for low-income Coloradans seeking assistance with civil legal needs.

Colorado Cyber Resource Center


Booklist Reader: A digital magazine, featuring diverse readers’ advisory recommendations, for readers and listeners of all ages.

Gale LitFinder: More than 130,000 full-text poems and 650,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays.

Gale Contemporary Authors

Gale Books & Authors: Database with bibliographic information for thousands of authors and books.

Gale Book Review Index

Local Resrouces and Groups

Chaffee Resources

Buena Vista Welcome Center & Chamber of Commerce

Town of Buena Vista

My-BV Project Site

League of Women Voters, Chaffee County

Central Colorado Writers

News and Newspapers

New York Times:  Online access to The New York Time  with your Library Card. Create an account and reauthenticate through this library link every three days.

Wall Street Journal:  Online access to The Wall Street Journal, with your Library Card. Create an account and reauthenticate through this library link every three days.

Gale OneFile News: Search from hundreds of International News Sources.

Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection: Includes more than 1.9 million digitized pages, representing more than 475 individual newspaper titles published in Colorado from 1859 up to 2019


Libby/Overdrive: Borrow digital content (like ebooks and audiobooks) anytime, anywhere.  Use your Library Card for free access.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library: Each month, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails a book to all registered children (birth to 5 years old) at no cost to the child’s family. Register at the Library or at the above link.

Unite for Literacy:  Provides free digital access to picture books, narrated in many languages.

Booklist Reader:  Monthly magazine from Booklist, filled with hundreds of reading suggestions.

Prospector: Order books and  materials from over 300 Colorado public and academic libraries.


Gale Academic One File: Comprehensive research database.

Gale One File: Explore a range of topics based on your interests.

Biography and Genealogy Master Index:20 million biographical citations on more than 6 millions persons, living and deceased.

Gale Educator’s Reference

Gale Environmental Studies

Contemporary Women’s Issues

Gale Informe Académico

Tech Help

One on One Help: The Library offers free 30-minute, one-on-one tech help sessions for training on Library Apps, Internet Searching, and Basic Device Setup and Use. Appointments may also be requested for scanning tutorials in our Creation Station (*waiver and use agreement required). Free and simple online tutorials to learn basic computer and Internet skills.