QUALIFICATION: Any person who lives or owns property within Chaffee County, and can show documentation of a physical address (PO Box addresses do not qualify), along with a current government-issued photo ID, is eligible for a free, unrestricted library card. Youth under the age of 16 may obtain a regular library card with the approval and signature of a legal guardian who is a regular cardholder with an account in good standing. The legal guardian takes full legal and financial responsibility for the minor. Youth accounts will be linked to the legal guardian’s library account. The youth or legal guardian may request accounts be unlinked upon the youth reaching 16 years of age.
Acceptable Proof of Residency (physical object or electronic format accepted):
Assessor’s Property Search Name Match, utility bill, lease, deed, paystub, vehicle registration, government ID, official school mail, other documentation approved by the director.
Acceptable Proof of ID:
Driver’s License, State ID, Passport, Student ID, Military ID, Inmate ID, or Foreign Government ID.
TERMS: A regular library card account expires every three years, requiring patrons to update their account information, which may be done in person or over the phone. Account information must be updated for continued library privileges. Library accounts without physical or digital circulation activity in three years will be deactivated and removed from the library system.
People age 18 and older without proof of local residency are eligible for a non-resident temporary card with proof of a current government-issued photo ID. A local mailing address or email account is required for notifications from the library. Temporary cards expire four (4) months from their creation and are limited to four (4) items checked out at any one time. Temporary cardholders are not eligible for interlibrary loan or kits and special item checkout. Most digital download and streaming resources are also restricted. A temporary card may be converted to a regular card once required residency documentation is provided to the library.
A non-resident card may also be assigned to a cardholder (age 18 and above) from any Colorado library as part of the Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC) agreement. Proof of both a current government-issued photo ID and Colorado library card are required.
Non-resident cards may be renewed for an additional (4) months; renewal must be in person and within one month of expiration. Non-resident cards are purged if not renewed.
Cardholders with linked accounts may check out items and acquire account information on behalf of a linked cardholder without providing the physical library card of the other party. Linked accounts allow for cooperation within family units and allow staff to communicate account information to legal guardians. By agreeing to a linked account, the patron forfeits some rights of privacy outlined in the Library Bill of Rights and agrees to not hold the library liable for account information shared that would otherwise be considered private, including reading history, items checked out, overdue, billed or requested.
A library card in good standing may be used to check out library materials, to place holds on library materials, to access digital resources available through the library’s website, and to use library computers. In lieu of the physical card, patrons may show a photo ID, or show the library barcode stored in a smart phone accompanied by verbal verification of addition account information.
Replacement cards are available with proof of identity. Children under 16 must be accompanied by the responsible adult on the account to obtain a replacement card. A fine of $1.00 will be levied on replacement cards issued within a year of the patron’s account creation date.