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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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Library Events

Buena Vista Library Public Calendar of Events

Tunes for Tots 0-3 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Tunes for Tots 3-5 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Align and Flow Yoga

Find strength, stillness, and peace in this all-level yoga class. Bring a yoga mat if you have one.

Teen Book Club

Snacks and books! Stop by the library to pick up your copy of this month's book. Meet with others in this youth-led club, where we'll discuss the book: The Invisible […]

Buena Books!

Practice Spanish and English with bilingual stories, crafts, and games. Ages 5-12.

Caregiver Support

Build a support system with people who understand. Led by a trained Alzheimer’s Association facilitator, gather to discuss caregiving concerns and coping strategies, exchange information, and discover community resources. 2nd […]

Wiggles and Giggles

Enjoy unstructured free play and socialization for little ones and caregivers. Ages 0- 5.


Further a child's love of learning with shared story time followed by free-play, art activities, and music.

Seed Swap

Swap locally adapted seeds with your neighbors and learn how to check seed viability.

Tunes for Tots 0-3 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Tunes for Tots 3-5 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Align and Flow Yoga

Find strength, stillness, and peace in this all-level yoga class. Bring a yoga mat if you have one.