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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

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Library Events

Buena Vista Library Public Calendar of Events

Story Time

Further a child's love of learning with shared story time followed by free-play, art activities, and music.

Tunes for Tots 0-3 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Tunes for Tots 3-5 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Align and Flow Yoga

Find strength, stillness, and peace in this all-level yoga class. Bring a yoga mat if you have one.

Buena Books!

Practice Spanish and English with bilingual stories, crafts, and games. Ages 5-12.

Wiggles and Giggles

Enjoy unstructured free play and socialization for little ones and caregivers. Ages 0- 5.

Story Time

Further a child's love of learning with shared story time followed by free-play, art activities, and music.

Tunes for Tots 0-3 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Tunes for Tots 3-5 yrs.

Preschoolers, parents, and caregivers learn a delightful variety of songs. Rhythm, matching pitch, and call and response are all part of the fun. Come discover how music is a part […]

Buena Books!

Practice Spanish and English with bilingual stories, crafts, and games. Ages 5-12.

Wiggles and Giggles

Enjoy unstructured free play and socialization for little ones and caregivers. Ages 0- 5.

Destination Storytime: IN Bank

IN Bank, 106 North Court Street

After hearing a few RICH stories, take a tour of the bank and see the change machine at work!   IN Bank, 106 North Court Street, Buena Vista, CO 81211