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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Study Room & Meeting Room Reservations


Wonderland Study Room

Corner glass study room with seating for up to four people. Available for a 1 or 2-hour reservation; limited to one 2-hour reservation per day.


Narnia Study Room

Outer glass study room with seating for up to four people. Available for a 1 or 2-hour reservation; limited to one 2-hour reservation per day.

Meeting Room Reservations

The Buena Vista Public Library welcomes the use of its meeting room for meetings, lectures and other gatherings. The meeting room is available on a reserve-only basis no more than 30 days in advance.  Meeting room use is restricted to the Library’s hours of operation. All users should submit a a signed copy of our meeting room policy.


To inquire about the meeting room availability, please call 719-395-8700.

The following fee structure applies to groups or individuals using the room for personal or commercial purposes. Payment by check or cash is due prior to use:

  • $25.00 per 4 hours or less
  • $50.00 per 5 or more hours in a single day

Non-profit organizations are eligible for a fee-waiver with proof of nonprofit status.