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Buena Vista, Colorado

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

My Library Account



The Buena Vista Public Library seeks to provide a safe, comfortable environment to support guests and users of Library services. Library guests are expected to follow all library policies, including this Patron Behavior Policy. These policies will be interpreted and enforced broadly with the intent of supporting and implementing Library goals and programs. Violation of these policies may result in the patron being asked to leave library property and/or loss of use privileges. Staff may call local law enforcement officials and report suspected violations of law or to request trespass of the party not in compliance with this policy.

All guests at the Library are expected to observe the laws of Colorado, including criminal statutes pertaining to Disorderly Conduct, Trespass and Interference at Public Buildings, Disrupting Lawful Assembly, and Harassment. Section 18-9-117, Colorado Revised Statutes, Unlawful Conduct on Public Property, authorizes state entities to establish additional limitations and prohibitions regulating behavior on public property.

Prohibited behaviors at the Buena Vista Public Library include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Engaging in any behavior that jeopardizes the health, safety, or well-being of customers or staff
  • Infringing on the rights of guests and staff to use or occupy the library peacefully
  • Harassing or discourteous behavior toward guests or staff, including abusive, threatening, foul, sexual or hateful language
  • Abandoning or leaving children younger than 10 unattended on library property (see the Library’s Safe Child Policy)
  • Possession of concealed weapons not legally licensed and permitted, or openly displaying weapons (except by law enforcement officials)
  • Dispensing chemicals or noxious substances including, but not limited to, mace pepper spray, stink bombs, tear gas, aerosol sprays, and fragrances
  • Possessing, being under the influence of, or dispensing alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs
  • Smoking, vaping or other tobacco use within the building or within 15 feet of library entrances
  • Improperly removing library materials from the building
  • Damaging or vandalizing library facilities, equipment, or materials
  • Tampering library materials or equipment, making it difficult for others to locate or use them
  • Littering on library property
  • Distributing leaflets or posting notices not authorized by the library administration
  • Petitioning, campaigning or demonstrating within 15 feet from library entrances
  • Panhandling, loitering, or soliciting guests or staff
  • Recording or photographing guests of the library without library authorization
  • Failing to wear a shirt, pants (or some other appropriate clothing), and shoes while in the library
  • Eating except during designated events or spaces, or drinking from uncovered containers
  • Bathing, shaving, washing clothes and other domestic tasks
  • Sleeping on the floor or furniture
  • Failing to maintain personal hygiene (strong body odor, soiled clothing and personal items, open wounds)
  • Disruptive noise, including yelling and use of phone, music and video devices without headphones
  • Bringing domestic animals, other than leashed, groomed and well-behaved dogs, into the library
  • Camping on library property or overnight parking within the library parking lot
  • Inappropriate use of the Internet (see Internet Policy)

Approved and adopted by the Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees, January 24, 2023.


The Buena Vista Public Library welcomes and encourages children and their families to use materials and services of the Library. The Library serves the public, and the Library facilitates safe and equitable access for everyone. Parents and caregivers are responsible for monitoring the activities and regulating the behavior of their children while in the library.


  • Children ages 0 through 6 must be directly supervised, and in view of a caregiver, guardian, or parent at all times while on Library property.
  • Children ages 7 through 9 must have a caregiver, guardian, or parent present and available to address the child’s needs on Library property (unless the child is attending a program where parent attendance is waived or optional).
  • Children 10 through 17 years of age are welcome to use Library facilities under their own supervision.
  • Staff or trained volunteers will be present during all program events designated for youth or teens as precaution and adherence to the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Act (SB21-088).
  • Children age 17 and under attending program events designated for “adults” must be accompanied by a caregiver, guardian, or parent.
  • Public computer stations are accessible to minors; however, the Library and its staff are not responsible for use or content accessed by minors.
  • Children, like all Library users, are expected to behave in a manner that respects Library property and other patrons, and that is appropriate to the use and function of the Library. Disruptive behavior may result in staff involvement or expulsion from the Library.
  • Library staff will not, under any circumstances, be responsible for determining whether an adult is a legally authorized caregiver, custodian or custodial parent of the child.

Unattended Children:

  • The Library and its staff are not responsible for the safety and security of minors left unattended on library property.
  • In cases of an unattended child, staff will attempt to locate the caregiver. If a caregiver, guardian, or parent cannot be located, the child may be placed in the care of local law enforcement.

Restricted Use of Children’s Areas:

The children’s area of the Library is designed for the use of children, their families and caregivers. Use of the children’s area by adults who are not parents, guardians, teachers, caregivers or people researching children’s literature may be restricted to ensure that children and their families have adequate access to the resources provided specifically for them.

Approved by the Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees, November 15, 2022.


The Buena Vista Public Library provides computers and Internet access to meet educational and recreational needs of our patrons and visitors.

User of the Buena Vista Public Library’s computers and web services agree to the following:

  • Access to computers is on a first-come, first-serve basis unless patrons reserve a session with PC Reservation system
  • In the event that patrons or guests are waiting for an available public computer, individual users will be limited to 1 hour on the computer
  • Users may not install or uninstall software or otherwise modify library computers. Anyone who misuses the equipment or disregards this agreement may lose user privileges.
  • Users may save files only to a removable USB memory stick. The library is not responsible for any liability that may occur as a result of the disclosure of financial or other personal information while accessing the library computers
  • Black and white printing is available at a cost of $.10 per page. Users will be responsible for printing “mistakes” and should ask for assistance if unsure how a “page” will print.
  • The computer area is often busy. Users agree to set their cell phone ringers to silent or vibrate. Please make and receive phone calls either in the library entry or outside.
  • Library staff has the right to deem obscene or offensive websites as inappropriate for public viewing. Users agree to shut down immediately any website deemed inappropriate by library staff.

The Buena Vista Public Library has no control over information accessed through the Internet, the availability of web resources, or the speed at which information uploads and/or downloads.  All Internet use is made at the user’s risk. Access is offered as a privilege granted to users on the basis of their ability to use the network resources responsibly and in the manner outlined in the Library’s Internet Use Policy.

As staff is available, assistance with programs (such as Microsoft Word, email, etc.) is provided. Priority is given to patrons needing assistance with locating resources vs. instruction regarding computer use. Instruction with computer use can be intensive and under no circumstances will staff input personal patron information via library computers. Instruction regarding computer use is a scheduled service provided by specific staff members, and may not be available during all library hours.

The Library assumes no responsibility for the use of the Internet by minor children. It is the responsibility of the user (or parent or guardian) to determine what access is appropriate for the user. The Library public computers do have a purchased filter program. It is purchased and updated by an outside vendor, and is in compliance with Colorado’s 2004 Internet Protection in Public Libraries (C.R.S. 24-90-601) law which mandates Internet access be filtered for customers under the age of 17. It requires that public libraries adopt and enforce reasonable policies of Internet safety that are consistent with the federal “Children’s Internet Protection Act,” as amended, (P.L. No. 106-554 – PDF). If an unacceptable site is found, the user should notify staff.

While respecting an individual user’s right to privacy, staff has the right to monitor use of computer workstations with public view.3120210004657V


Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited, to the following:

Display of sexually explicit images on the monitors

Illegal activities, including access to unauthorized accounts, obscene materials, and online gambling

Violation of copyright laws

Any attempts to violate network security, to change the settings or permissions of the computer, or to download/install software or materials not authorized by library administration


Accepting gifts and donations is an important way for the public library to benefit from the generosity of the community it serves. The Buena Vista Public Library accepts contributions to further its impact in services and resources to the community.

Donation of Books and Collection Materials

Gifts and donations of materials are reviewed using the same criteria as purchases. The library will determine how to best incorporate such materials into the existing collections. Bookplate designation for special collection items will be determined at the discretion of the Director. Materials not added to library collections may be used for programs, placed for sale in the book sale, given to other local organizations, or discarded.

Acceptance of donations of books and media to the book sale are subject to the library’s current sale space availability. Materials must be in good condition (free of damage, mold, or notes), recently published, and of value. The Library does not accept textbooks, encyclopedia volumes, manuals, or items discarded from libraries. Periodicals dated older than one year are also not accepted.  Donations are restricted to formats currently available for checkout.

Donations are accepted at the front desk. Proceeds from book sales shall accrue directly to the benefit of the Library. The Library is not responsible for returning donated materials to the donor if they are not used or sold.

Donation of Art and Other Objects

Inquiries about donations of art or other physical items should be made to the Director.

Monetary Donations

Funds may be given in the form of cash, check, real property, stocks, bonds, or endowments. Contributions will be applied to the general operating expenses of the District; donor’s suggestions for the use of funds are welcome. If spending restrictions are requested by a donor that do not align with the Library’s policies or would incur additional expense, the Library may reject the donation.

Tax Deductions

The Library will not appraise the value of a donation of materials or art. It will, however, issue the donor a letter acknowledging the donation to a qualifying tax-deductible organization.

The library reserves the right to dispose of any gifts that are given to the library.



QUALIFICATION: Any person who lives or owns property within Chaffee County, and can show documentation of a physical address (PO Box addresses do not qualify), along with a current government-issued photo ID, is eligible for a free, unrestricted library card. Youth under the age of 16 may obtain a regular library card with the approval and signature of a legal guardian who is a regular cardholder with an account in good standing. The legal guardian takes full legal and financial responsibility for the minor. Youth accounts will be linked to the legal guardian’s library account. The youth or legal guardian may request accounts be unlinked upon the youth reaching 16 years of age.

Acceptable Proof of Residency (physical object or electronic format accepted):

Assessor’s Property Search Name Match, utility bill, lease, deed, paystub, vehicle registration, government ID, official school mail, other documentation approved by the director.

Acceptable Proof of ID:

Driver’s License, State ID, Passport, Student ID, Military ID, Inmate ID, or Foreign Government ID.

TERMS: A regular library card account expires every three years, requiring patrons to update their account information, which may be done in person or over the phone. Account information must be updated for continued library privileges. Library accounts without physical or digital circulation activity in three years will be deactivated and removed from the library system.


People age 18 and older without proof of local residency are eligible for a non-resident temporary card with proof of a current government-issued photo ID. A local mailing address or email account is required for notifications from the library. Temporary cards expire four (4) months from their creation and are limited to four (4) items checked out at any one time. Temporary cardholders are not eligible for interlibrary loan or kits and special item checkout. Most digital download and streaming resources are also restricted. A temporary card may be converted to a regular card once required residency documentation is provided to the library.

A non-resident card may also be assigned to a cardholder (age 18 and above) from any Colorado library as part of the Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC) agreement. Proof of both a current government-issued photo ID and Colorado library card are required.

Non-resident cards may be renewed for an additional (4) months; renewal must be in person and within one month of expiration.  Non-resident cards are purged if not renewed.



Cardholders with linked accounts may check out items and acquire account information on behalf of a linked cardholder without providing the physical library card of the other party.  Linked accounts allow for cooperation within family units and allow staff to communicate account information to legal guardians. By agreeing to a linked account, the patron forfeits some rights of privacy outlined in the Library Bill of Rights and agrees to not hold the library liable for account information shared that would otherwise be considered private, including reading history, items checked out, overdue, billed or requested.


A library card in good standing may be used to check out library materials, to place holds on library materials, to access digital resources available through the library’s website, and to use library computers. In lieu of the physical card, patrons may show a photo ID, or show the library barcode stored in a smart phone accompanied by verbal verification of addition account information.

Replacement cards are available with proof of identity. Children under 16 must be accompanied by the responsible adult on the account to obtain a replacement card. A fine of $1.00 will be levied on replacement cards issued within a year of the patron’s account creation date.


Type of Materials Loan Period Limit per card Renewals
      BOOKS      21 DAYS      50 Items      Renewals allowed as long as no hold exists on the item
     AUDIOBOOKS      21 DAYS      Limit 10      Renewals allowed as long as no hold on item
     DVDS      7 DAYS      Limit 10      1 renewal allowed as long as no hold on item
     MAGAZINES      21 DAYS      10 per card      Renewals allowed as long as no hold on item
     STATE PARK PACKS      21 DAYS      1 per card      No Renewal
     Kits & Equipment      21 DAYS      5 per card      1 renewal allowed as long as no hold on item




No overdue fines are charged on any library materials. Cardholders are responsible for lost, damaged and/or non-returned items.

Overdue items are considered lost and billed to the account 60 days after the last due date.

Items returned damaged to the extent of requiring removal from the collection will result in a fine on the cardholder account.

If a cardholder account acquires more than $10.00 in fines, the cardholder will be required to either pay the fine, and/or speak with library staff to resolve the charges. Borrowing privileges are suspended for accounts with more than $10.00 in fines.


Library materials not currently available from the Buena Vista Public Library may be borrowed from libraries within the Marmot Library Network and through the Prospector cooperating libraries. To access these materials, patrons can either search for an item in the library online catalog or call the library for assistance (719) 395-8700. Checkout limits and fines on ILL items are the same as BVPL owned items; however, because the library is borrowing the item on behalf of our patrons, renewals are subject to the home library’s rules.

Items received from other libraries will be held for seven (7) days for patron retrieval.  Patrons will receive an automated email notice of availability. If not retrieved within seven (7) days, the item will be returned to the owning library.



$.10 cents per page for black/white or for printing from computers; $.75 per single side color printing.

Wireless printing is not currently available. Patrons may access documents through their own personal email, and/or from a USB drive for printing.

Scanning documents is free on the copier.

 Open Records Request Policy

In accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act, public records maintained by the Northern Chaffee County Library District (dba Buena Vista Public Library) shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in the Act or as otherwise provided by law (24-72-201). The Library Director is the custodian of records. The Library Director shall establish alternate custodians for times when the Director is not available.

A person who desires to inspect or to obtain a copy of the records shall submit a request Open Records Request Form in-person or by website form. Incomplete request forms will not be considered.

Public Record

The custodian shall promptly review the request to determine the nature of the records sought, the time required to locate and make the records available, and whether there are questions concerning the release of any of the records or difficulty in providing the records within three working days. The Act does not require the Library to compile data, create documents or reports, or select information or data from existing records.

Certain records are not public and are not subject to disclosure, including personnel files, privileged/confidential information, and names and contact information for users of public facilities. Consultation with the Library’s attorney to determine eligibility of information requested under the Act qualifies as extenuating circumstances for delayed response time. Requestors will be notified in cases of delay or denial of access.

Response Time

The requested records will be made available within three working days. If the records are not readily available within the three days after they are requested, the custodian shall set a date and time for inspection or for providing copies. Under normal circumstances, this shall happen within a maximum of three working days of receiving the request. If there are extenuating circumstances, as provided in the Act, up to an additional seven working days may be required. Working days for the Library are any day that the Library is open to the public. The custodian will notify the requestor of extenuating circumstances and anticipated response time.

Inspection and Delivery

Requests for copies of records in specific formats – e.g. printed or digital – will be accommodated whenever possible, subject to exceptions stated in the Act. However, requests for records in specific formats may lead to additional costs. Requestors may come to the Library to inspect records at scheduled times, determined by the custodian. Inspections will be monitored by a Library employee, and the requestor will follow instructions from the Library concerning handling of records.


For paper copies, fees are $.25 per standard page (8 ½ x 11”). Fees for certified copies and copies requiring third party printing are subject to additional fees, equal to the cost of production. No fee is charged for electronic copies and transmittal.

Staff research and retrieval time within the first hour is free. If fulfillment of the request will require more than one hour of staff time to locate, produce and monitor inspection of the records, the Library will charge for the time in excess of the first hour at the rate of $33.00 per hour, billed at 15-minute increments. The Library will provide the requester an estimate of the charges before the work is undertaken.

The Library will provide the requester with a written invoice for all charges. Payment is required prior to the delivery or inspection of requested documents. Charges for copying services to be performed outside the Library must be paid in advance, before any such copying is done.


The Northern Chaffee County Library District’s Open Records Request Policy was adopted and approved Library District Board of Trustees on July 27, 2022.

Northern Chaffee County Library District (dba Buena Vista Public Library) upholds the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, providing materials for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community while avoiding exclusion of materials due to the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. The selection of library resources is predicated on the patron’s right to read and freedom from censorship by others. Colorado Revised Statutes Section 24-90-122 defines a Library Resource as both print and non-print items that support curricular or personal information needs. “Print items include books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, microfiche, or microfilm. Non-print items include films, disc records, filmstrips, slides, prints, audiotapes, videotapes, compact discs, computer software, library programs, and exhibits.”

Selections for library resources are made on the merits of the material in relation to the development of a collection and program that serves the needs and interests of a diverse population. The Buena Vista Public Library’s Collection Development Policy guides the development and continuous evaluation of the collection to reflect the Buena Vista Public Library’s mission to support the community’s educational, professional and personal aspirations, enhancing the quality of life for all ages.

Language, situations, or subjects which may be offensive to some patrons do not disqualify material which, in its entirety, is judged to be of value. The library holds the choice of reading and viewing materials as a purely individual matter. Patrons may decline use of print and non-print items of which they do not approve. Patrons may not exercise censorship to restrict the freedom of others to obtain such materials.

Materials are not marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of content, no materials are marked to restrict their use by age, and no materials are sequestered, with the exception to protect valuable items from damage or theft.

Responsibility for items accessed and used by children and adolescents rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection decisions are not influenced by the possibility that materials may be accessible to minors.

The Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees recognizes the right of individuals to question print and non-print items.  Objections to the presence or absence of any library material will be given consideration. For the duration of the reconsideration process, the item in question will remain available to the public.

A Request for Reconsideration of Library Material may only be made by an individual who resides in the Northern Chaffee County Library District’s legal service area. The Library shall not reconsider the same library resource more than once within a five-year period. All submitted Request for Reconsideration of Library Material forms will appear in the Northern Chaffee County Library District’s Board of Trustees meeting minutes, and are an open record under the Colorado Open Records Act, 24-2-72.

Procedures for submitting a Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form

  1. Request a reconsideration form from the Library Director.
  2. Complete the form and submit it to the Library Director.
  3. The completed form is reviewed by one or more members of the Library staff with responsibility for materials selection and by the Library Director.
  4. The Library Director or a member of the Library staff shall make a written response to the requester within 14 days of receipt of the request. The Board of Trustees are notified of all Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials forms received.
  5. An appeal to the Library Director or staff decision may be made in writing to the Board of Trustees within 14 days. The appeal will be considered by the Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
  6. Any decision by the Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees is final.

Approved by the Northern Chaffee County Library District Board of Trustees on July 23, 2024.